Class Site

Monday, 28 November 2016

The Cultural Festival 2016

On Saturday the 26th of November Owairaka School performed at the local Cultural Festival, down at Rocket Park in Mt Albert. We had many different groups performing and here are a few photos showing students from Room 21!

Ridha, Leila, and Hana in the Irish group getting ready to go on stage
Lucyanne, and I in the Tongan group excited to go on stage
Lucy in the Hawaiian group getting ready to go on stage

Thursday, 17 November 2016

Camp Photos 2016

This is some camp photos showing my favourite activities at camp.

Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Bike Safety

This is my Bike Safety poster,that I did with my friend. We learnt about Bike Safety on Tuesday. You should ALWAYS wear a helmet!

Friday, 4 November 2016

My time at Camp

My time at Camp

I'm getting out of the COLD water!
This is my group playing cricket
This is Kauri team on a bush walk!

Monday, 5 September 2016

Confident Me

Today I have made a Tagul word cloud to show what a confident person would be like!

Monday, 29 August 2016

My Speech

Do you think your day was hard today? It wasn’t compared to mine. Do you have to watch out for a killer comb? Dodge the worst smelling shampoo ever? Spend your day clinging for your life to strands of hair pulled back in a ponytail or shoved under a smelly beanie? I don’t think so! My name is Nigel the Nit or as the scientist called me Nigel the head louse. Today I am going to tell you all about a hard day in the life of a nit.
But before I tell you about my day, let me give you some facts about me. I was born in a waterproof egg, stuck to some long brown hair. I hatched about 10 days later and was an instant orphan (feel sorry for me yet?) then began to explore my new home (a bite here, a scratch there). Before I became the handsome nit, I was a nymph for about 12 days. In a human world that would be a terrible teanager, lazy and sleeping all day. Another name for me is an Ova, spelt o-v-a.

And now let me tell you about a hard day in my life. Its starts when my home is rudely awaken by her mother. Wake up Carolyn, time for school… who wants to go to school? Then I hop out of my bed which is a nest I have made in her hair, you call them knots, and get some breakfast (that's a bit of blood, your yummy blood!) So far ok start to the day but from here it gets bad.

First I am pulled into a tight ponytail and can’t really move. Not fun! On the way to school I am thrown around as we run for the bus and now I feel dizzy and my breakfast of blood is making me feel sick. At school I have to listen to a boring teacher called Miss Green talking about maths. So boring!  How do humans do this for 18 years of their lives?

After lunch I nearly decided to move house as it's hard to sleep in  Carolyns hair, she talks too much, by swinging across into a boys hair in the class but I can't get close enough. I have to stay where I am. Yay, time for home.

Next I can sense something wrong is going to happen. Oh I know what! I can smell the awful shampoo! Ahhhhhhh, let's run away from here. I hope I can save myself. Oh no, I can see the killer comb now, It looks like a big bull doser! Thats right it was a shower with Nit killing shampoo.

Luckily I am a hard bug to kill. I try to hid behind her ears but the comb finds me and I am combed out. Arrrggghhhh. Cough, cough, I’m about to dieeeeeeeee! Yep, thats right my day was hard because at the end I died.  So the next time you complain about how hard it is to be a kid, remember, it could be worse you could be a nit.

Tuesday, 23 August 2016

Blog Commenting

Today we practised making quality blog comments. Here is my example!

Monday, 15 August 2016

Olympic Writing

As you know, the Olympic Games have started over in Rio.  We will use this great festival of sport for our prompt this week.
It is:
…I could see the finish line, then…
Things to consider:
  • Which sport is this?  Gymnastics
  • What might be going to happen?  You might injure or break yourself
  • How do you feel?  Nervous, Scared, Sick
I could see the white line on the end of the mat, then my foot landed just inside it. I nearly injured myself when I did my back flip and landed dangerously close to the out of bounds line. This would have disqualified me instantly.  Now I need to show the judges that I can you do better, much, much better. I decided to do the hardest routine I knew, a full twist, I landed it perfectly. I felt so proud and glad that I did that, I looked at the judges and the score board. My score was 99% Awesome, for prize giving I won the Silver medal  and my BFF, Lucy won the Gold medal. The mean girl from China won the Bronze medal. Lucy and I were so excited that we both won a medal!

Friday, 10 June 2016

The Strange Door

The Strange Door
A whistle blew and everyone disappeared from the rugby game. All that was left was one single person still cheering for a minute, then he noticed that everyone was gone, but he didn't know where. He saw a strange doorway, with hundreds of twinkling stars around it and he went through it. He saw a ice cream stand and asked how much does this cost the ice cream cost? The lady said “its free.”
Then he said “oh yayyyy, but I need to find the people from the rugby game now,” and he carried on walking.
Then he finally found them, they were at the cafe drinking some coke, he grabbed a coke too even though he had a ice cream!  He thought to himself, this is a bit strange, it can’t be real. It must be a dream. So he slapped himself in the face. “Ouch,” he shouted and woke up. Crazy, crazy dream.

Friday, 3 June 2016

Save our sea!

This week I have been learning how to use Thinglink to make interactive posters. Here is my one about saving our seas.

Tuesday, 24 May 2016

Science Week Journal

This week we have been doing science experiments in class. Hope you enjoy!

Thursday, 5 May 2016

Be Confident

We have been learning about which photos and pictures I can reuse on my work. Here is a poster I made about being confident.

Friday, 15 April 2016

Brain Poster

We have been learning about the brain, And I made a poster about brains.

Friday, 8 April 2016

Te Reo

We have been practising some new words in Te Reo. On Wednesday we had a conversation with a buddy to show our learning.

Thursday, 24 March 2016

I wonder

I wonder by Lucy and Fiona. I wonder why roses have thorns?

Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Friday, 18 March 2016

Race relations day

Today was race relations day Owairaka school. Here is a poster that I made of race relations on Google drawing.

Thursday, 17 March 2016

Poems with Ms Whysall

Yellow is running around crazily like minions.

Garden to Table is fun
you can cook, eat, and garden
I love eating the most.
Sawing wood, getting your hands dirty
harvesting scrumptious vegetables, looking at different bugs
cooking good smelling food, chopping and crying from the big messy onions
giving thanks to all the volunteers
eating delicious food and

trying new things.

Children are splashing
swimming is the BEST thing to do when it is a hot day
the water is ice cold
I'm shivering
I dive under
swimming is wonderful

Thursday, 25 February 2016

My Pepeha

Ko Au
Tena koe/korua/koutou

No New Zealand ahau (my place/place from)
Ko Owairaka te kura (school)
Ko Owairaka toku maunga (mountain)
Ko Donna toku mama (mother)
Ko Andrew toku papa (father)
Ko Joel, Matthew and Aidan toku tungane (a sister’s brother)
Ko Fiona taku ingoa (my first name)

Tena koutou, Tena koutou, Tena koutou katoa
(Greetings to you, greetings to you, greeting to you all)

24 Feb 2016 10:04:03.jpg